The Divided City: Poverty and Prosperity in Urban America

Island Press
2 min readJun 14, 2018


Photo credit: Shutterstock

Who really benefits from urban revival? Cities, from trendy coastal areas to the nation’s heartland, are seeing levels of growth beyond the wildest visions of only a few decades ago. But vast areas in the same cities house thousands of people living in poverty who see little or no new hope or opportunity. Even as cities revive, they are becoming more unequal and more segregated.

In the latest episode in our series of Urban Resilience Project (URP) podcasts in partnership with Infinite Earth Radio, host Mike Hancox speaks with Alan Mallach about his new book The Divided City and what America’s urban transformation means for cities and the people who live in them.

“If we want a truly inclusive society, I think it’s really about one word: opportunity,” says Mallach. “Everybody should have these three basic opportunities: decent work, decent education, and a decent neighborhood.”

Listen below. You can also download the episode on iTunes and Stitcher.

Want more on this topic? Register for our FREE upcoming webinar Urban Revitalization for All featuring The Divided City author Alan Mallach and moderated by former Washington D.C. mayor Anthony Williams!

Friday, June 29 1:15 PM ET

Click HERE to reserve your spot!



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